make mine a mosaic table

you'll love this one. when i first saw this i almost squealed in delight. such a lovely idea and executed with such painstaking love too. thanks to zieak, who tipped me on this mosaic table by keyoung posted on craftster.

"i just finished mosaicing a cheap ikea end-table (a lack table, i think). i settled on an ikea table after searching thrift shops for months and not finding a suitable table. it's really nice to have non-beveled edges so you can easily mosaic over them. it was a lot of fun, not terribly hard but time consuming, and i already have ideas for at least 4 more tables!

i used homedepot bathroom tiles and a hammer and tile nipper to break them up. i secured the tiles using liquid nails (clear small projects) and finished up with grey non-sanded grout. i'm pretty proud of it, hopefully it'll inspire somebody out there to give mosaicing a shot!"

close up of mosaic

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