barbex sent in another one of her smart hacks. though not totally an ikea hack, it's useful for people with a home office and who wants a nifty way to hide those hideous cables.

from the back of barbex's ikea desk, cables and wires dangle "like snakes for my feet to get caught in or for children to play a little pull-game ("look, mom explodes!"). and it looks ugly.

my solution is a wooden wall that stands up by itself because it is shaped like a Z and can be easily removed if necessary. it is cheap, black veneered chipboard that i had cut at the store. the black does not quite match the dark brown of the desk but the difference is not noticeable. the small part is just glued, the bigger side is screwed from the back so that you don't see the screws. it is not flush to the table top to make it easy to move but you don't see any gap because normally you don't sit on the floor and look under your desk all the time!

i think it took about five minutes to make and look how much nicer my messy desk looks now!"
simple yet what a difference! and i'm also totally loving the red and dark wood colour scheme.
barbex's other hack:
barbex's smart tv recorder