you can now post your hacker help questions in the forums, rather than email me. hopefully, you'll be able to get your advice, ideas, solutions and answers much faster.
to fully access the forum, you'll need to register yourself - it's quick and painless. all it takes is a username and email and you're off and running. you'll get to post, reply, vote and send private messages to other users. do drop by the watercooler and introduce yourself as well. it'll be great to finally get to know you.
for starters, i've posted some questions i've received such as:
- how to solve the problem of a poang chair digging into your back?
- have you seen a knappa lookalike?
- can i make sliding doors out of hinge pax doors?
besides that, i thought it was time for a new look, so i've made a new banner out of ikea's assembly man! :) and also improved the search system with hacks now listed in categories on the right side bar.
phew! seems like there's a lot happening. skip on over and have fun at the ikeahacker forums. see you there.
- jules