wes, claire and jonathan all tipped me on this awesome bathroom hack by splatgirl of
modern in mn. jonathan called the site the 'holy grail of ikea hacks'. check it out. you'll see why.
splatgirl writes on her blog, "in the case of our guest bathroom, i wanted something completely unique, which, when it comes to bathrooms can be really hard to do on a budget. there is just very little out there for fixtures and furniture that suits my style and doesn't cost thousands of dollars.

enter ikea's
ps cabinet which suited the style of our house so perfectly and which i loved so much that i just couldn't resist buying. at $99 bucks, it's hard to go wrong. as it turns out, it was a great size for our guest bath, so with a little tweaking, i turned it along with a piece of oak butcherblock countertop, ikea's
numerar, into a spare yet interesting vanity.

i wanted to continue the wood theme over from the vanity, and since this is a closet i figured why not use the same numerar oak butcherblock to make shelves? it was quick and easy enough to cut up into shelf-sized chunks, but i wanted them to be floating, because i've never met a shelf bracket i got along with."
click for how-tos on the
bathroom vanity and
floating shelves. do also snoop around modern in mn for inspiring home ideas and