deirdré has been reading ikeahacker for a while and it suddenly dawned on her that she has an ikea hack in her house.
"we own turtles (red-eared sliders) that at 6 years old are getting quite large, so they need a big tank (custom made, 50 x 70 cm). they also need a special lamp to sunbathe under (as one is doing in the pictures), to help them produce vitamin d and keep their bones and shells healthy, and that has to be suspended over the tank somehow. and we don't want the tank sitting on the floor.

we already had this cheap closet unit (i don't recall the name) which can be closed with doors or curtains - we used to use these with curtains in our daughter's room. so i had a curtain made which covers the top part of the closet with all the messy stuff (games, dvds, music) but leaves open the turtles. i screwed the fluorescent lamp into the underside of one of the drawers - there's enough play in the wiring that you can pull the drawer out."