woohoo! roll out the swedish meatballs.
thank you, thank you, thank you for sticking around and supporting the site. seriously. your hacks, comments and emails have kept me going. please do forgive me if i have been slow in replying your mails or posting your hacks. the last few months have been challenging for me as i finally said goodbye to life in the agency.
it is a dream come true to be able to work from home. and this site has partly given me the freedom to blog and freelance full time. while the dream is sweet, living it out is another thing altogether. i am an absolute newbie at freelancing and it has been a steep walk up the learning curve these last 3 months.
but i am not complaining - nothing beats waking up and strolling 5 steps to my 'office'. i do plan to start a new blog. it will be very different from ikeahacker and a lot of more personal, as i take stock of the lessons, trials and joys of working as a freelancer. hope to get it up by end july, if i don't get too lazy sitting around in my jammies watching tv.
but what i am really interested to know after 2 years of running this site is ... what do you think i can do to make ikeahacker better?
share your thoughts on one or all of the following:
> i think it would be great if i see more hacks on ...
> ikeahacker can help me hack better if ...
> this site will really rock if ...
click on the comment link and let me hear ya. all ideas welcome, fire away.