When it comes to decorating for fall, there are three things you need for a fabulous result: different textures, layering of the textures and it's gotta smell
gooooood! You can't go wrong if you incorporate all of these.
I like to take items I already have and change them up for fall. For this display, I used a tray (Southern Living at Home, I love you!) I already had:

I had the two larger candleholders, and purchased the three smaller ones for $1.50 each at Hobby Lobby. I placed them so the sizes were layered, and and filled in between with my go-to fall filler:

I got this stuff at Z Gallerie a couple years ago and it's still my favorite filler for this time of year. It's got glitz, it's got natural, it's got warm. Awesome.
I fluffed it all just so and added my candles -- the large ones were $5 from HomeGoods, the smaller were $3.50 at Hobby Lobby:

It took all of five minutes to do. I bet you have items laying around you could use too!

I wish they had scratch and sniff computers. The scent of cinnamon and apples is wafting through our house.
This is my view while I blog tonight:

Loverly. Have I mentioned yet how very much I
ADORE fall? Just in case I haven't,
I. ADORE. fall.
Our family room mantel has been warmed up as well. Last year I found some scrap wood, stained it and it serves as the perch for simple red and brown candles:

You'll soon realize I am a bit obsessed with these beady things. I think they are GORG. You can find them at Micheal's. (I always get them on sale, they are $7 each before the discount.) I weave them through the candles for texture:

And wrapped them around the candles in the hurricanes for more texture and layering:

Yum. I could just eat it, it's just delicious. Well, not really, but you know what I'm sayin':
These candleholders are so fun to fill during the holidays. Funny how I can't figure out what to put in these things most of the year, but from now until early January, I'm golden:

I fill the bottom of each with leaves in different shades of orange and red:

I get my leaves by finding garland I like, then snipping off the leaves. This is much cheaper than buying packages of leaves.
I add my candles and then my "scatter" -- I love this stuff! This I found at Pier 1 years ago, and I think they still carry something similar:

Autumn-inspired ribbon is tied around and fluffed just a bit for a final touch. Sigh. Have I mentioned how much I love fall?
In the kitchen, I used another Southern Living piece and a clearanced plate from Pier 1:

I wrapped the candle with more foamy beady things (I used double stick tape on the back to secure them). Again, layering and texturing (word?):
Oh yeah, and a yummy candle. Glorious! Try taking items you already have -- add a candle and then some texture -- whether it be pumpkins, acorns, apples, leaves, whatever! (Just make sure they aren't near the flame! Yikes.)
Have I mentioned how much I love... ummm... OK, I'll shut it.
I'm off to eat a caramel apple covered in peanuts, that should shut me up. Next up this week, my dining room centerpiece!