Lest you think I forgot where I live, I figured I should let you know about the warehouse sales going on right now in New York. First up is the annual
Stark Warehouse Sale. This year they've added
Holland & Sherry whose fabulous cashmere fabrics were first designed for bespoke suiting. Probably the reason why I want to roll around in them naked. (Did I just say that out loud?!)
Last year, I went to the Stark Warehouse Sale to look at broadloom carpets for my client's baby nursery project. I got in line and thought to myself how chic and well dressed everyone was for the Stark sale. Turned out I was in line for the Hermes Warehouse Sale! Of course, I went in and bought a few things. So make sure you know what line you should be in but definitely go to both! Hermes runs through Sunday as well!

While you're downtown, make sure you stop by the
Flair Warehouse Sale! It's right down the street from their store and also runs through Sunday. Tell them I sent you and happy shopping!