Well, I know. Plenty. But there are certain projects I have been meaning to tackle for at least a year now, and I haven't yet. Some are because they cost more than I want to spend, most I blame on my complete and utter inability to focus on one project at a time.
First, to get what I'm saying here, you need to go read this post if you haven't already --
I don't heart you. Go ahead. I'll wait.
Taps fingers.
Looks at watch.
Umkay, done? So I have a serious aversion to the brass in our house. I really, really do not like it, not at all. Even so, I have gotten rid of very little brass around here.
These are still around:

And a couple of these:

They are high, so nobody sees them. That's what I keep telling myself.
I have spray painted these though:

I figured out a while ago you can just pop them off, but we do like having them there:

YES I know they look
just like the vents, and you can barely see them. I know that now, I didn't realize when I was spray painting them. Gah. And I didn't use high heat spray paint, (it's oil-rubbed bronze) so we may have take them off when we light the fireplaces anyway. I was just so anxious to get rid of some of the BRASS.
I spray painted some of these too:

And now they look like this:

I'm a freakedy freak and hated the light in our master closet. It was boring and didn't put out much light.

So I did replace that and love it!

It was less than $30, not a bad price to pay to actually
see our clothing.
Not ONE of these has been changed out:

This is my final frontier -- I hear it's fairly easy to change out faucets but I haven't attempted it myself. But I will.
Oh yes. I will.I showed you this
cutie little desk almost a year ago:

I got it at a barn sale and it was only $15! It only took ten months (TEN MONTHS) but I finally redid it. I sanded it down and spray painted the whole thing with the extra paint I used on our
deck planters:

I hope to use this color in his big boy room, so eventually the desk will be in there. I added his name to the back of the chair with stickers (that blur is his name) and I am just thrilled with how it all turned out:

LOVE it!! I don't think it's antique but it is nice and used (maybe from the sixties?) I love all the dents and marks in it:

Best part is our son really uses it! :)
You may remember how excited I was about this...uhhhh...
thing last fall:

I can't even tell you how excited I was to get it! I had such high hopes. Uhhhh...let's just say it was a big, huge, massive
FAIL. Yikes. I mean, it was
bad. I ended up tossing the whole thing. Even the lights didn't work.
They can't all go right, you know?