Hello all! I’m back this month with a very simple but beautiful (I think so anyway) before and after project!
It started with a recent trip to Goodwill – I don’t go as often as I used to (see my STUFF post), so I haven’t found nearly as much good stuff as I used to. (You have to go fairly often to get the good pickins.)
But that day, the heavens shined down on this beauty on the top shelf:
Ummm…OK, well the shape was beautiful. I guess the flowers weren’t that bad, they just weren’t what I was going for. :)
But the size, the lovely lines, the beautiful spout – they had me at Hello.
I knew I could spruce her up with a few coats of spray paint. And a “few” coats turned into about eleventy billion. Or so. Maybe about seven. Whatever.
It took five coats of spray primer to get those purdy flowers covered up. I did an additional two coats of a glossy white on top.
After trip to Trader Joe’s for some (fairly) cheap tulips, I was able to bring my vision for this cutie to life:
Oh SWOON. Just…swoon. I am so ready for tulips people. I actually don’t mind the snow that much – but we’ve been hammered with it and ice over the past couple of months (way more than usual) and I’m really starting to miss green grass.
Will I ever see it again?
I don’t care what Punxsutawney Phil says, I think it’s gonna be awhile. :)
Even with the meeeellion coats of spray paint, this is one of my easiest and favorite spray paint transformations yet:
I wish I could have gotten some shots in the daylight, but we got home from dinner too late. I’m ready for more photo taking hours in the day too, while we’re talking about spring. :)
I absolutely love the pretty shape – looks like it came out of a Pottery Barn catalog doesn’t it?
Only their version -- $39. Mine? A whole five buckaroos. :)
Now, I won’t be pouring any lemonade with mine – it’s just for holding beautiful flowers. And I’m totally OK with that.
I just LOVE IT.
Soooo…my before and after for the month – a Goodwill find transformed with my beloved. My BFF. Spray paint:
Now it’s time to see what you’ve been up to!
Be sure to link up to your post, not your blog. And I’d love it if you’d include this pretty little button and a link back to this post:
I’m trying a new linky this time, so I hope this works! :)
Have fun – I’ll leave this open for a week, so link. it. up!
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