I've mentioned before that I've been going through my old tear sheets and one of the folders contained numerous magazine articles that featured Kate and Andy Spade's apartment. In my opinion, it's one of those timeless homes that will probably look as good in 30 years as it does after three which is a testament to the chic taste of it's owners as well as their interior designer,
Steven Sclaroff. Maybe also because they retained the beautiful pre-war details that a lot of other people might have ripped out. The fabulous art collection doesn't hurt either! It would be interesting to see if they've made any changes since it was last photographed. If you are curious as to what this creative couple has been up to since they left Kate Spade the company, they were just profiled in
New York magazine. I hope the next interview is accompanied by more photos! Enjoy!
Photos by Tina Barney, Jason Frank Rothenberg, Noe DeWitt and Eric Morin